SmartPlay 3.0

SmartPlay 3.0

SmartPlay scans and autoplays the multimedia content of your CDs with the player of your choice and
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3.0 See all

SmartPlay scans and autoplays the multimedia content of your CDs with the player of your choice and without the need for extra burned files on the CD. Use you PC as a multimedia player and play all your Music or Movie files instantly. Here are some of the features you will get:

- Support for the most Popular Media Players: SmartPlay is able to autoplay files with some of the most popular Media Players by default, (BsPlayer, Windows Media Player, Winamp, MicroDVD, etc..) but if these are not enough you can configure your own in the Create Player Wizard

- Create New/Edit Player Wizard: You can configure a new Player to be used by SmartPlay by browsing your programs and choosing the one that suits you best. During this process you can customize some of the command lines used to play the files, depending on the chosen Player

- Support for most popular multimedia extensions: Players can be associated with the most popular multimedia extensions (AVI,MP3,CDA,OGG,DIVX, etc...)

- Automatic detection of Subtitle files on movie CDs: When a Single Movie file is detected on a CD, SmartPlay will try to find the subtitle file on the CD. If the player chosen to play the movie file supports subtitles, it will use them automatically. Note that the subtitle filename can have a different name. SmartPlay will try to find supported subtitles on the CD independently from the filename

- Choose Subtitles folder: If the movie CD does not contain subtitles, you can set a Subtitle directory that SmartPlay can use to find them more


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